Tag: writing tips

The query letter that got me FOUR offers of representation from literary agents—and why it worked

The query letter that got me FOUR offers of representation from literary agents—and why it worked

One of the best things I ever did for myself as a querying writer was get strategic about how I was writing my query letter—and it paid off with a query letter that REALLY worked. Read my query, which gained a whopping 47% request rate and yielded a total of four offers of representation!

How to Write Spicy Scenes That Sizzle Instead of Fizzle

How to Write Spicy Scenes That Sizzle Instead of Fizzle

Even great writers get stuck when it comes to writing a sex scene in their book. Writing spicy scenes is a skill, and we’ve all seen plenty of examples of spice that fizzles instead of sizzles. But what makes a spicy scene truly sexy and 

Quick Exercise for Building Character Relationship Dynamics

Quick Exercise for Building Character Relationship Dynamics

Check out the link at the end of this post for a free downloadable spreadsheet where you can complete this exercise with your own characters. The great thing about this exercise is that it works for any characters whose relationship is central to your story.