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Emily is not currently accepting new clients.

If you’re interested in working with Emily as an editor, coach, or ghostwriter, check back here for future availability.

In the meantime, please feel free to check out the Resources tab where you’ll find blog posts, work sheets, and other resources designed to help writers succeed.

You can also subscribe to Pen Pals: The Newsletter for Writers Who Mean Business, a free biweekly newsletter that Emily co-writes with book marketing expert Pip Davidson, designed to help writers tackle both the editorial and marketing sides of the writing process and publishing industry.

As a bestselling ghostwriter, editor, and book coach, Emily has worked with hundreds of writers as they write and publish their books. Her clients have gone on to:

  • Finish their manuscripts
  • Sign with their dream agents
  • Sell their books for six figures
  • Publish their books with some of the biggest publishers in the business or independently as self-pubbed titles
  • Win awards and accolades for their work from national best-seller lists and major publications including USA Today, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Publisher’s Weekly, the LA Times, the Indie Book Awards, and more.

She prides herself on helping each author she works with find their own unique, individual flavor and voice for their books.

Thinking About Writing a Book with Emily?

Emily’s services fall into the following categories:

  • Book coach
    • Coaching is for you if you want to write your own work and grow your skills but need some guidance while you create.
  • Editor
    • Editing is for you if you have a completed draft and would like expert feedback to help you improve your own work.
  • Book doctor
    • Book Doctoring is for you if you want to improve your rough draft but you want someone else to make the changes, restructure the book, and do the rewrites for you.
  • Ghostwriter
    • Ghostwriting is for you if you have an idea for a book but want an expert to write it for you, or if you have a partial draft that you cannot or don’t want to finish on your own.

But there’s a lot more to each one of them than meets the eye, and no two writers’ needs are exactly the same. 

Let’s start with Book Coaching. Coaching is like a one-on-one writing course where your book is the textbook! It’s designed to provide accountability and motivation for you as a writer throughout your writing process, helping you grow and improve your craft as you create. I like to tell my writers that coaching is like putting training wheels on your bike, giving you the support and confidence you need to write your book until the day comes when you’re ready to work those pedals on your own! Each coaching call includes up to 5,000 words of content review, with additional content review available for purchase. Specifically:

Outline Coaching includes one-on-one calls with me on Zoom or by phone to help scaffold the outlining and ideas phase of writing a book. Together with Emily, you’ll sort out everything you love about your idea for a book, and work to develop those ideas into an organized outline that will then serve as a blueprint for the writing process.

Manuscript Coaching is often the natural next step for people who have worked with Emily on their outline, though many writers also start here if they feel solid about their ideas. Manuscript coaching is designed to provide one-on-one support throughout the drafting or revisions process. Accountability coaching is also available if you need help staying on track and making progress but don’t require content review.

Book Proposal and Query Coaching are designed to help you create a book proposal and/or prepare for the querying process. This type of coaching focuses on creating your book proposal or query package rather than the manuscript itself, and is a perfect way to acquaint yourself with the more business-focused aspects of writing.

Emily is proud to have been chosen as a top book coach by the

Editing provides detailed feedback on a completed manuscript and can be done on a book, proposal, or query package. Editing is priced by word count.

Developmental Editing includes a full read through of your manuscript to provide structural feedback on the book’s overall concept, narrative, pacing, flow, message, and reader experience. Dev editing looks at your book as a whole and shows you what’s working and what’s not working. You will receive notes in the margins as well as a detailed editorial letter, and a follow-up phone call to discuss the feedback and build a revisions plan moving forward.

  • Typical timeline: 1 month

Line Editing includes two full read throughs of your work. The first will use Track Changes to address writing style on a sentence level, including grammar, syntax, tone, repetition, word usage, flow, and language mechanics, all with an emphasis on craft. The draft will return to you so you have a chance to review the changes, and then Emily will complete one more polish pass to ensure everything looks the way it should.

  • Typical timeline: 2 months

“The Works” Bundle includes both types of editing—everything in both the developmental and line editing packages as well as up to two 1-hour coaching calls to be used between rounds of editing. The timeline on this package varies depending on how long you, the author, need to revise your work between rounds.

  • Typical timeline: 3-6 months

Interested in a sample edit so you know what you’re getting yourself into? Emily will provide editing on up to 10 pages for $75. If you decide to move forward, the amount will be deducted from your total fee.

Book Doctoring is like a midway point between editing and ghostwriting. It might be for you if you’ve got a manuscript that’s already written… but it’s not as healthy as you know it should be.

Book doctoring takes a “sick” draft—one with inconsistencies, incomplete chapters, plot holes, and pages you’ve looked at so much they make you want to tear out your own hair rather than try to revise them on your own again—and makes it better.

And the best part? You don’t have to do any of the work.

Like a developmental edit, book doctoring takes a look at the larger picture, but unlike editing, a book doctor will make the changes for you. A book doctor will rewrite, restructure, and revise your manuscript, putting it through book boot camp until it’s the picture of good health. In book doctoring, you’ll have the ability to provide input and approve the work as it’s being done, and at the end of the day, your manuscript will have undergone a major glow-up that will bring to life the potential you knew it could achieve all along.

  • Typical timeline for a book proposal: 1–3 months
  • Typical timeline for a full manuscript: 3-6 months

Ghostwriting is perfect for an author who knows they have a story to tell, but also knows they don’t have the time, ability, or inclination to write it on their own!

Think of writing your book like building your dream house, and your ghostwriter like the contractor. Sure, you could watch tutorials about how to frame the walls and wire the electricity yourself, but it’s going to take a lot longer and might not be the same level of quality as when a professional who does it for a living takes care of it for you. A ghostwriter will help you build the “house” of your dreams, and they’ll do it according to your blueprints, meaning by the time you’re ready to “move in,” it’ll be your art on the walls and your furniture in the rooms. In other words, a ghostwriter’s job is to learn your tone and your voice, and write your book the way you wish you could do yourself.

With Emily as your ghostwriter, you’ll work closely together to put your message to the page, with guidance every step of the way. You know your story better than anyone, but Emily knows books, and together you’ll create an amazing one! Ghostwriting builds a book from the ground up using regular recorded interviews as well as your notes, speaking engagements, journal entries, research, early drafts, or any other resources you have on hand, and includes two rounds of editing on the completed draft.

  • Typical timeline for a book proposal: 2–4 months
  • Typical timeline for a manuscript: 9–12 months

For testimonials from some of Emily’s past ghostwriting clients, please contact her using the Contact Emily form!

Payment Structures

  • Coaching: Entire fee due up front
  • Editing: 50% up front, 50% on completion
  • Doctoring: 25% up front, three payment installments (25% each)
  • Ghostwriting: 25% up front, six payment installments (12.5% each)
  • Sample Edit of 10 pages: $75 up-front fee that will be deducted from your total when you purchase a full editing package.

How Much Does it all Cost?

Each of the above services is priced according to your specific needs—packages can be bundled together for discounts, and custom-made depending on what you’re looking for. Want an edit, but think you might need one coaching session before you get started? No problem!

If you’re not sure where to start, that’s perfectly fine too. Emily is always happy to chat with prospective clients to help you outline your unique goals and determine which services would be best to help you get there.

Contact Emily for a free 30-minute discovery call and custom quote today!