Getting a Literary Agent 101: The Basics

Getting a Literary Agent 101: The Basics

Getting a literary agent is one of the most difficult initial steps of the traditional publishing process, but it’s a necessary one. I signed with an agent in April 2024 after almost four years and multiple manuscripts. As a writer who has always known I 

The query letter that got me FOUR offers of representation from literary agents—and why it worked

The query letter that got me FOUR offers of representation from literary agents—and why it worked

One of the best things I ever did for myself as a querying writer was get strategic about how I was writing my query letter—and it paid off with a query letter that REALLY worked. Read my query, which gained a whopping 47% request rate and yielded a total of four offers of representation!

It’s Okay to Suck: The Art of the First Draft

It’s Okay to Suck: The Art of the First Draft

Your first draft is the worst your work is ever going to look. It’s only going to get better from here, but first you have to finish it.